Ad civilitatem civilem redi = Return civility to civics. A public service from a public servant.
Ad civilitatem civilem redi = Return civility to civics. A public service from a public servant. 〰️
Idle thoughts, important announcements and whatever crosses the mind of Malibu City Council Member Haylynn Conrad.
Got something on your mind you want to get off your chest?
Here is the spot to spout off about the good, the bad and the ugly of Malibu.
Let’s slam the door on NextDoor and get some quality thought and conversation all up in here.
And if Haylynn has the power to relieve your grievance, she will do all in her power.
Everything’s okay until it isn’t. The weather is perfect until the Devil Winds blow and the sky turns black and the fire tornados twist.
Traffic flows until it doesn’t. There’’s an accident and it all comes grinding to a halt.
Malibu has the most consistently perfect weather in the world until those climate-changed winter storms roar in.
This is a page that consolidates all the weather and traffic alerts and updates, that are spread throughout the Internet.
Coming soon: Haylynn Conrad will seek out Malibu issues and characters high and low and sit down to discuss the Good, the Bad and the Ugly of Malibu.
How to celebrate, protect and preserve the Good, and how to fix the Bad and the Ugly.
Some of the family, faces and facets of Haylynn Cohen-Conrad.
Mom, model, Malibu marauder.